ScaleX™ thinking

The four quadrants of living a full life and how to manage fear

This week, we bring you, Brian Keane – Founder, Brian Keane Fitness Online from Season 6, Episode 3 of the ScaleX™ Insider Podcast.

3 Timeless Takeaways

“Don’t forget the flowers at your feet when you are reaching for the moon.”

“Form good habits and become a slave to them.”

“Chains of habits are too light to be left and too heavy to be broken.”

Listen to the full episode on ScaleX™ Insider

2 Inspirational Quotes

“Sharp people learn from their mistakes. The really sharp people learn from the mistakes of others.”

“I would never have been able to achieve any outward success if I wasn’t inwardly in control of what I thought, did and said. I had to learn all of that.”

1 Reflection Question

What habit could you adopt today that would make a positive change in your life?

Listen to the full episode on ScaleX™ Insider

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