ScaleX™ thinking
The 6Ps to scaling your business and exiting profitably
This week, we bring you, Sharon Lechter, entrepreneur, speaker, bestselling author, mentor, and philanthropist from Season 5, Episode 10 of the ScaleX™ Insider Podcast.
3 Timeless Takeaways
“Why not?”
“Remind yourself that you are perfect. God only created one of you.”
“Do it anyway. When the fear sneaks in, look it in the face and do it anyway.”
Listen to the full episode on ScaleX™ Insider
2 Inspirational Quotes
“Remain curious.”
“Fear does one of two things. It paralyses us or motivates us. Most of us are paralysed by fear and so it hinders us from leading the life we deserve.”
1 Reflection Question
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
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